Front Hedge Down and Bed Preparation Starts
Photos: 15-28 March 2015
Text: 13 May 2020
This time last year I was talking about the need for improvements in the front garden. By October much had been done with the ground prepared for the proposed garage, but that had left a decision to be made about how to deal with the newly created bed near the road.
We asked one gardener friend of ours whether it could be planted with shrubs, but having inspected the site he felt that there was too much rubble in the bed to make a good area for planting. His suggestion was that grassing it would be the best plan.
So, on the 15th of the month the afternoon was spent beginning the dig out the old gravel and sift the remaining soil to attempt to create a surface suitable to receive grass seed.
By the 27th only the area north (to the left) of the pallet of bricks remained to be done. The bricks for the edging had been deliberately over-ordered as they were to provide the base for the planned cart shed. You'll also realise that, by this time, the decision had been made to open up the front of the house.
The following day I took another picture that showed better how there was no more thought of a hedge hiding us from the road. All the trees had been stripped of ivy as high as it was easy to get to. What still clung to the trees would die off in due course.