Ruston House

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Posted: 27 September 2020

While I discovered further storm damage today I was almost more interested to see how the water levels were rising. The first blurry photo I took was of the duck house at around 09:35.

Duck House

Swinging the camera round a little you can see the fallen crack willow is now engulfed by water that wasn't there yesterday after

Peter's Field

Just after 14:50 I took a walk around the grounds to get a fuller picture. Already you could see the water level was distinctly higher, with the damp marks twice the height up the walls of the duck house than they were in the morning.

Duck House

Proceeding along the main path, past the fallen crack willow you could see how far the water extended.

The Fallen Crack Willow

And looking back, having just passed the bridge, you can see that there was no way you could get the boat under the bridge, let alone with someone in it as I had managed in the summer.

The Bridge To The Main Island

The work to raise the path that was done in February was working up to a point...

Dry Path

... but swinging round to look ahead it can be seen that the path from behind the old reed bed was completely flooded and water is encroaching onto the main path.

Flooded Junction

Walking a little past the partially flooded junction we can see that several yards of the path to the burning bins are fully under water.

Flooded Path

Moving much further on along the path we reach the bridge to the Poor's Allotment. How different the water level in the dyke is from we we saw it on the Tour in April this year.

High Water

Moving on to the log cabin, we see the water is no just creeping onto the path that runs round the back of the cabin.

Path Behind Cabin

And at the front of the cabin there is no trace of the two foot of bank that you can normally see and...

Floods By Cabin

...and stepping up onto the veranda I take a short video showing the the upwelling of water from the overflow pipe which transfer water to and from the dyke.

On the way back to the house I wade through the flood on the path past the burning bins to see how much more water there is on Peter's field. It's certainly two or three inches higher than the photo posted yesterday.

Peter's Ground Flooded
Peter's Ground Flooded

In the final picture in the collection I have turned a little to take see the scene looking up Peter's field towards the houses on Chapel Road. The water is as high as I ever remember seeing it.

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