A Stoat, Muntjac and More the Poor's Allotment
Posted: 29 March 2022
Here's another compilation of clips that captured by our camera sited on the Poor's Allotment last week. As always, Muntjac deer were daily visitors but I've limited those included this week to three. All show a mother and its young. The first, a nighttime clip, shows them crossing the bridge and then turning right. The daytime clips shows the deer running towards the Poor's Allotment in alarm mode with tails held high and the pair returning and turning left once they've crossed the bridge. These are interspersed with very brief glimpses of a fox, a repeat of last week's pheasant display and the highlight of the week, the first daytime video of a stoat!
00:00 - Sunday 18:31 and 21:31
The opening clip was captured on Sunday 20th March just after 18:31. The first fox was captured the same night exactly three hours later.
00:42 - Thursday 13:08 and 17:13
We were lucky with the highlight of the week! You might not notice that it was the Jay, perched on the branch in the top right of the frame that must have tripped the camera. After this flies away I cut out some 20 seconds of inactivity and then zoom in on the boardwalk on our side of the dyke. There you see a stoat enter from the left. It pauses by the bridge where we see its light chest and black tip to its tail. Zooming out again we see the pheasant, also captured on Thursday, at 17:13.
01:30 - Friday 09:15
On Friday morning we see Muntjac in flight mode. They are more relaxed at 18:00 when they crossed the bridge back onto our land again.
02:42 - Friday 20:00
The final glimpse of a fox was also captured on Friday, at 20:00.