Ruston House

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If you don't wish to be informed of updates as they happen then you should re-visit this page periodically as notes of all updates made to the site are published here.

Go to Top June 2023

6 June 2023
So much for my hope of regular updates! At Least I am providing a few new pages for 2023:
The Wildlife page now has entries for Gadwall Ducks and Wigeon.

Go to Top April 2023

18 April 2023
I hope that I can begin keep the updates coming after a bit of a lapse. Today there's just one entry:

Go to Top November 2022

2 November 2022
This set of updates completes the record of the construction of the "Tree House" we had built to commemorate our wedding in 2015. Taking advantage of the time going through the old photographs, you'll also find a few further entries have been added to past years. Because of some ill health in recent months there's also been some delay in getting current material onto the site. Today's updates help fill in some of the gaps.

Go to Top September 2022

30 September 2022
This set of updates ensures that all the captions for the "Today's Image" section on the Home page include a link to a page that tells you more about the image. The following are new pages that needed to be created.
28 September 2022
Today it is announced that the last of the more than 270 posts on the old blog has been transferred to this site. These posts are now in the Gardens area. As with the Poor's Allotment area the Gardens area has had a similar technical change although, for the time being, there remains a single index where all entries are listed on a single page.
It should also be noted that a number of entries in the Gardens area have been split into multiple entries. For example, the one on the building of the cart shed, covered three years from planning in 2013 to final construction in 2015. Such posts have now been broken down so it is easier to see when each activity or event took place. Below are listed the most significant changes.
26 September 2022
Today more material has been transferred to this site from the old Blog. This group of pages completes the transfer of all the Lake & Grounds and Poor's Allotment posts from the old Blog. There's more material that the wildlife camera has captured that was never posted on the old blog, so there may be further entries posted in past years still to come.
As the Poor's Allotment area is likely to expand there's also been a technical change. Now each year has it's own index in similar fashion to the Lake & Grounds area of the site. The Poor's Allotment option on the main menu will now take you to the current year and you reach earlier years via the "Related Pages" options.
24 September 2022
Today more material has been transferred to this site from the old Blog. These complete the transfers from the old Blog to the Lake & Grounds area up to the end of March 2020.
23 September 2022
Today the transfer to this site the Blog pages that cover the construction of The Manna.
20 September 2022
Today we complete the transfer to this site of the Lake & Grounds posts for all of 2018 and 2019 from the old blog. These two years were very thin on posts, but there are old photos to go through, so there may be further previously unpublished additions to come.
19 September 2022
Today we complete the transfer to this site of the Lake & Grounds posts for all of 2016 and 2017 from the old blog. You'll realise that it wasn't just leading up to the wedding that entries got thinner on the ground.
18 September 2022
Today we complete the transfer to this site of the Lake & Grounds posts for June-December 2015 from the old blog. You'll note that entries got a lot thinner on the ground as we approached our wedding day on 12 September and beyond that date.
You will also find that the page 1 August 2015 -Decking Work Complete has been moved from the Gardens Area to the Lake & Grounds Area as that keeps all entries on the topic together.
15 September 2022
Summer was a busy time and updating the site got delayed. However, keeping the wildlife camera running was a priority and today a number of videos put together from the clips it provided have been uploaded.

Go to Top May 2022

23 May 2022
While catching up on the transfer of old material to the site has been the priority so far this month, today a set of videos from the Wildlife camera have been uploaded and, from 2020, some photographs and stories behind them have been added to the site.
16 May 2022
Today we complete the transfer to this site of the Lake and Grounds entries for May 2015. We also have some new pages for this year:
7 May 2022
Today we complete the transfer to this site of the Lake and Grounds entries for April 2015. We also have some new pages for the current month: You'll also find new header images have begun to be added to the site.
4 May 2022
Today we complete the transfer to this site of the Lake and Grounds entries for March 2015: It's also worth reporting that there have been a number of postscripts added to the article:
26 April 2022 - A Stork On A Neighbour's Tree.
3 May 2022
Today we complete the transfer to this site of the Lake and Grounds entries for February 2015: You'll also find the items on the main menu has been re-arranged. With those areas being more regularly updated moved closer to the top.

Go to Top April 2022

28 April 2022
We have two additions to the site today: Also, in the Lake & Grounds area, you will find, that the top of each of the year's Index pages now has "Previous" and "Next" links to make it easier to navigate from year to year.
26 April 2022
We have one addition to the site today:
23 April 2022
We have further additions to the site today. In the Grounds Area, all the items for January 2015 have now been transferred to the site from the old blogging platform. There's material for this year:
21 April 2022
We have a number of additions to the site today:

Also over the last ten days, following the completion of the transfer of material from 2014 from the old blogging software, more links have been added to the text accompanying the "Today's Image" on the Home page.

10 April 2022
Today we have one addition:
8 April 2022
Today's additions are listed below. This set completes the transfer into the site of the backlog of Lakes and Grounds entries between September and the end of 2014:
5 April 2022
Today's additions to the site are listed below. The first group completes the transfer into the site of the backlog of Lakes and Grounds entries for August 2014:

Go to Top March 2022

29 March 2022
Today's additions to the site are listed below.
21 March 2022
Today's additions to the site are listed below. The first group completes the transfer into the site of the backlog of entries for the Lake and Grounds area for July 2014:
16 March 2022
The "Administration" section of the site's main navigation menu now appears at the bottom rather than following the "Main Areas". Today also sees the missing entries for May and June 2014 on the old blog for the "Lake & Grounds" Area added to the site. The new pages are as follows:
15 March 2022
Today sees all the missing entries from the old blog for The "Lake & Grounds" Area between January and April 2014 added to the site. The pages are as follows:
14 March 2022
There's been some more tweaks made to the code underlying The Manna section to make maintenance of the site easier once the backlog of entries begin to be made. The new additions to the site are listed below:
12 March 2022
Today sees the completion of the job of moving the 2013 postings about The Grounds from the old blog to this platform. And there's two further entries for 2022.
10 March 2022
More of the backlog of entries covering The Grounds in 2013 have been added together with a update from today.
9 March 2022
There's been some more catching up with our backlog of entries from 2013 plus two new entries made this week. In the background there have also been a few tweaks made to the styling code to keep things looking neat as portrait orientation images are now being added to the site.

Go to Top February 2022

28 February 2022
There's been some minor tweaks to some of the page styling and more entries have been added:
22 February 2022
To complete the backlog of entries for 2022 the following pages have been added:
21 February 2022
To answer an emailed question about how we fared in Storm Eunice, a couple of pages have been added to the Lake and Grounds section:
19 February 2022
I have realised it's much easier to work through the old material in chronological order, so the updates over the last two days include:
16 February 2022
Updates over the last few days include:
10 February 2022
Updates over the last two days include:
8 February 2022
Updates made today include:
7 February 2022
Updates made in the last week include:
  • Wildlife Page: Added link to a page covering the Frog
  • Some broken links have been fixed.
1 February 2022
The site is re-launched in its new form and currently has around 70 pages. Material is still in the process of being transferred from the old platform which contains over 250 pages, so don't expect all the new material to appear at the top of the various main area pages where the latest dates are.

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