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Go to Top This Week's Wildlife Camera Captures

Posted: 8 Februuary 2020

It was 07:33 on Sunday morning and when you listen to the popping sound you may wonder what's going on, but eventually you'll realise it is pouring with rain and, for some reason, the camera's not-very-good microphone manages to pick up the sound as the rain drops hit the camera case.

Through the gloom you'll probably manage to spot two deer, but watch closely and you realise there's a third in shot as well.

In the last few seconds we switch to 11:07 on Tuesday morning. The camera has been shifted a little to show more of the clear that been made on the Poor's Allotment side of the dyke. It's sited a few yards north of the bridge and pointing north. We see a fox leave the dyke- side clearing and head into the main body of the carr, looking as it it's following the same route that the deer used.

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