The Lilies continue to Grow
Posted: 23 May 2014
It's been just ten days since my last bedroom window Comparison View, but the further growth in the lilies can easily be seen, perhaps, most noticeably, in the leaves in the centre foreground with the pinkish tinge to them. These are a cultivated variety that produced a pretty white flower last year.
Looking at the earlier photograph it can be seen that the trees are continuing to leave up as well and now there is a profusion of yellow flowers between the mown path and lake edge. You'll also see that the irises, close against the decking, are in bloom.
This time our lone goose continues to patrol his territory. I have always assumed that it was the male and it was the female that not only deserted her nest but the site as well, but after seeing the bird sitting Outside the Goose House a few days ago, I did begin to wonder if I had got that wrong.